I recently came across this video of Dr. Gabor Maté discussing the topic of addiction, and I found his words to be incredibly insightful and important for people to hear and understand. I thought it was important to share it with as many people as I can. Unfortunately our society still carries a lot of misconceptions about people suffering with addiction problems, and I believe it is imperative that we as a culture have a better understanding of what creates addiction so that true healing can happen.
“Addiction is not a choice that anybody makes; it’s not a moral failure; it’s not an ethical lapse; it’s not a weakness of character; it’s not a failure of will…it’s a response to human suffering.” – Dr. Gabor Maté
In my experience as a psychotherapist specializing in treating substance use disorders, I couldn’t agree more with these words. People don’t get better and stay better unless they are able to really address the underlying psychological and emotional suffering (often a result of past traumatic experiences) that they have been unable to adequately cope with. This is one of the reasons why I choose to use EMDR Therapy to help clients suffering from addictions, as it addresses the effects of trauma and heals the deep wounds that lead people to abuse substances or act out in other compulsive and destructive ways. Shame is such a huge problem for people with addiction issues, and it stops people from seeking out the help that they need. My sincere hope is that one day, all people suffering from addictions will be treated compassionately and respectfully, and will not be looked down upon for their struggles.
If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction, I am here to help. Please Contact Me today and know that you will be treated with respect and compassion.